Make a donation.
Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre (MKCDC) Archive & Reference Library relies on donations of book stock to the Library collections in order to provide a research facility for the local community and those interested in the development of Milton Keynes and New Towns in general. We are grateful to those who donate material as many of the works held in the collection would not otherwise be obtained and available for research.
Library Donations Policy
Space constraints and limited staffing resources mean we have to be selective in the material we accept. MKCDC Archive & Reference Library:
Can only consider material that falls within the collection Policy
May be unable to accept substantial donations without funding for delivery and processing;
Can only consider material without restrictions on its availability or use;
Will not usually accept material in poor physical condition, unless it is historically significant and the donor can make a contribution towards its conservation;
Will not usually accept duplicates of items already in the collection.
It is helpful if the donor can provide a list of the items being offered so that the Archivist can check current holdings before making a decision. Potential donors are advised not to bring material to the Archive & Reference Library until acceptance has been agreed. Offers of material will be considered by the Archivist, who may need to consult with the Director of MKCDC.
Once material has been received into the Archive & Reference Library we reserve the right to deal with donations as we see fit. Please be aware that we may accept an entire donation, but upon further investigation decide that certain items are not appropriate for processing into the Library collection. These items we will either:
Gift to other suitable institutions;
Sell to the public, with any profits used for the development of the Archive & Reference Library;
Return to the donor if agreed at time of donation; otherwise dispose of.
If you still wish to donate please contact the archivist and Thank you for your donation.