Learn through fun at Bradwell Abbey.
Our History programmes focus on hands-on, interactive learning, exploring Pre-history, Roman, Anglo-Saxons, Medieval, Ancient Egyptians, Tudors, and Stuarts, as well as Our City, Past and Present days. The days bring the period to life with dressing up, artefact handling, Q&A sessions, role play and more.
What did people eat during Tudor times?
Raid a village with Hel, old Norse Goddess of the Underworld
Explore Tutankhamun’s mummy

Go on a Pilgrimage
Hear the story of Boudicca
Stone age problem solving: How did people move huge stones weighing many tonnes sometimes hundreds of miles?
Learn what village life was like when not at war and for women and children in AD 878
Meet Hel, Nordic Goddess of the underworld
Learn about the customs and culture of ancient Egypt

Dine at a Roman banquet
Roman table
Learn to hunt and forage for berries

Learn about all the Kings and Queens that shaped our history in a bespoke session

Presentation on William the Conqueror: There's a Norman in the house

Defend your castle with the sheilds you created
Defend the village from Viking invaders, or will you help them conquer?

Meet our resident archaeologist

Learn how to write your name in Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs

Stone age problem solving: how did people move huge stones weighing many tonnes sometimes hundreds of miles?

Learn how people hunted and survived

Learn how to weave
Meet the Queen in a bespoke session
Medieval Knight

Meet Fatalis who is recruiting soldiers for his legion

Learn through re-enactment & role play
Tudor cooking
Book a visit
We’d love to have your school visit us! Please let us know which history visit you’re interested in, the date you’d like to visit and the size and age of your class.