Visiting the Archive.

We are pleased to welcome all researchers wishing to visit the Archive & Reference Library. Please see below for visiting procedures.

To make an appointment or if you have further questions, please contact me via email.

Catherine McIntyre


Before deciding to visit, please consider whether your visit is necessary. We offer a remote copying service and this might be more convenient for you. See the reprographics section below or contact us to enquire further.

  • The ARL is open:

    Tuesdays: 9.30am - 12.30pm and 1-4pm

    Wednesdays: 1-4pm

    Thursdays: 9.30am - 12.30pm and 1-4pm

  • We have very limited space and can accommodate one visitor in each slot.

  • Visits must be booked at least one week in advance, but we encourage you to plan further ahead in order to reserve your desired slot. If you have not booked you will be turned away.

  • To book, please contact us and let us know when you would like to visit and what topic you'd like to research, so that we can advise you on our holdings.

  • You will be able to browse the Reference Library shelves and order material from archive collections. Please see the catalogues to search for material relating to your research topic.

  • We offer a reprographics service, see below for charges.

  • You can also take pictures using your own device and following copyright legislation for a £5 fee.

  • If you are unable to visit the Archive and Reference Library we may be able to undertake some research on your behalf. This service is charged at £20 (+VAT) per hour, please contact the Archivist for more details.

All visitors using the Archive & Reference Library collections will be required to complete a registration form and bring a form of identification with their photograph on it. Visitors wishing to consult archive material will need to also bring identification confirming their address.



Researchers are welcome to take pictures of material using their own devices under the following conditions:

  • Payment of a £5 fee

  • Flash and camera noises are turned off

  • Copyright law is followed

We also offer a reprographics service for researchers who would like copies of material. Under UK copyright law we can only copy a certain amount from published material, please contact us for more information.

Reprographics charges are as follows:
A4 black and white - 20p per page
A4 colour
- 40p per page
A3 black and white
- 40p per page
A3 colour
- 80p per page
Digital scans, A4 and A3
- £5 per page for non-commercial use

Please note that there is a minimum charge of £5 for remote copying orders and that charges do not include VAT.


Donating material.

Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre (MKCDC) Archive & Reference Library relies on donations of book stock to the Library collections in order to provide a research facility for the local community and those interested in the development of Milton Keynes and New Towns in general. We are grateful to those who donate material as many of the works held in the collection would not otherwise be obtained and available for research