Milton Keynes City
Discovery Centre
In pursuit of its charitable objectives, MKCDC undertakes activities in four main areas:
Educational programmes and activities to support all levels of learning in urban studies and the sustainable city
Educational programmes and activities to support learning in heritage studies
An archive, library and image library which provides access to resources about the development of Milton Keynes as a new town, the history of settlement in the area and the history of Bradwell Abbey
In collaboration with the Milton Keynes Council (the site owners) to manage and maintain the Bradwell Abbey site for the benefit of the Milton Keynes community (this function includes providing meeting and administrative space for community groups)
Learn more about our Staff, Trustees, and Heritage Partners
See our current volunteering and employment opportunities.
Find out more about our current and archived projects.
Interested in MKCDC? Read all about our latest news, funding and awards.
With help from our generous funders, MKCDC develops and delivers new project ideas every year! Browse our site for inspiration on heritage projects, environmental work and video production. Do get in touch if you would like to collaborate!